牵手融e邦,资本运作很简单。近期消息,Linkage Global公开向美SEC递交上市招股书,计划在纳斯达克上市,股票代码:LGCB,发行价4—6美金/股,计划发行150万股普通股,市值不超过1.3亿美金。
据悉Linkage Global来自日本东京的跨境电子商务综合服务提供商,于美国时间9月1日向美国证监会提交招股说明书,计划挂牌纳斯达克,股票代码为“LGCB”。Linkage Global是总部位于日本东京,在香港和中国大陆设有子公司,其在中国大陆的子公司为传丞(福建)网络科技有限公司。Linkage Global的CEO和董事长为来自福建闽侯的吴志华。他也是Linkage Global的最大股东,占股71.5%。
我们是一家在开曼群岛注册成立的控股公司,没有自己的重大业务。Linkage Cayman通过日本、香港和中国大陆的运营实体开展业务。作为总部位于日本的跨境电子商务综合服务提供商,我们通过运营实体开发了一个由两条相互补充的业务线组成的综合服务体系,包括(i)跨境销售和(ii)综合电子商务服务。
通过香港的子公司HQTNETWORK,运营实体将商户与社交媒体平台连接起来,为商户提供数字营销服务。HQT NETWORK自2017年起与谷歌合作,并于2018年成为谷歌的授权代理人,利用了大量供应商的运营实体通过数字营销团队进行市场调查和分析,以确定不同地区和消费者群体的趋势和偏好,从跨境销售运营中收集的客户数据,HQT NETWORK帮助商户创建多语言网站,优化产品关键词排名,并在谷歌及其自己的频道上分发广告,如谷歌搜索引擎、谷歌显示器、Gmail和YouTube。HQT NETWORK旨在提供全面的数字营销解决方案,配备满足商户数字营销需求的技术和数据,帮助商户吸引、培养、留住和扩大区域客户群。自该业务线推出以来,HQT NETWORK已为200多家商户提供服务。截至2023年3月31日的六个月,以及截至2022年和2021年9月30日的财政年度,数字营销服务的所有收入均来自谷歌的佣金,分别为226万美元、395万美元和305万美元,约占我们同期总收入的25.04%、17.91%和19.70%。请参阅“风险因素——与我们的业务和行业相关的风险——如果HQT NETWORK未能与谷歌保持关系,其数字营销服务可能会受到重大影响,进而可能对我们的财务状况和经营成果产生不利影响。”
(1) 代表截至本招股说明书日期,一致行动方协议各方作为一个集团持有的14300000股普通股。
(2) 代表6名股东持有的5700000股普通股,截至本招股说明书日期,每名股东持有不到5%的已发行和流通普通股。
Set forth below is information concerning our directors, director appointees, and executive officers.The following individuals are our executive management and members of the board of directors.
The following is a brief biography of each of our executive officers and directors:
Mr. Zhihua Wuhas been our Chief Executive Officer since March 2022 and been our Director and Chairman of the Board since March 2023. He has served as the Chief Executive Officer of Chuancheng Digital, HQT NETWORK, and EXTEND since June 2021, March 2016, and July 2011, respectively, and is responsible for the management of day-to-day operations and high-level strategizing and business planning. Prior to joining our Company, Mr. Wu was the CEO of Tsuukanmuri Co., Ltd., a Japanese company focusing on import and export trade, from June 2010 to June 2011. Mr. Wu received his Bachelor’s degree in Information Electronic System Engineering from Daiichi Institute of Technology in 2010. As of the date of this prospectus, Mr. Wu also holds the following prominent positions outside of the Company: (i) vice president of the first council of Fuzhou Cross-border E-commerce Association and (ii) vice president of Minhou County Youth Entrepreneurship Promotion Association.
Ms. Zijun Lihas been our Chief Financial Officer since March 2023. Prior to joining the Company, she was the Project Manager of Guangzhou Jingshi Equity Investment Management Co., Ltd., a Chinese private equity investment fund company focusing on financial advisory services, from December 2020 to December 2022. She was the Senior Audit Associate of PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP (Guangzhou Branch) from September 2016 to November 2020. Ms. Li obtained her Master’s degree in Accounting from University of Pittsburgh in 2016 and her Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Hong Kong Baptist University in 2014.
Mr. Ryo Fuyunishikihas been our Director and Chief Operating Officer since March 2023. He has served as the Chief Operating Officer of the Company’s subsidiary, EXTEND, since 2011. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Takushoku University in 2006.
Mr. H. David Shermanwill serve as our independent director upon effectiveness of the registration statement of which this prospectus forms a part. Mr. Sherman is a professor who has over 30 years of academic and professional experience in accounting and auditing. Mr. Sherman has been a professor at Northeastern University since 1984, specializing in, among other areas, financial and management accounting, global financial statement analysis and contemporary accounting issues. Mr. Sherman has served as Trustee and Chair of Finance Committee for American Academy of Dramatic Arts, the oldest English language acting school in the world, since January 2014. Mr. Sherman has extensive experience serving as a public company board member. Most recently, Mr. Sherman joined the board of Xiao-I Corporation (Nasdaq: AIXI), a Chinese artificial intelligence technology provider, as its independent director and auditing committee chair, in March 2023, and the board of Prestige Wealth Inc. (Nasdaq: PWM), a Hong Kong asset management company, as its independent director and audit committee chair, in June 2023. Mr. Sherman also serves as an independent director for several public companies, including NUVVE Holdings Corp. (Nasdaq: NVVE), a green energy technology provider, since September 2019 (including with its predecessor Newborh Acquisition Corporation), and Lakeshore Acquisition II Corp. (Nasdaq: LBBB), a blank check company, since March 2022. From June 2021 to December 2022, Mr. Sherman served as a director of Lakeshore Acquisition I Corp. (Nasdaq: LAAA), a blank check company. From May 2020 to August 2021, Mr. Sherman serves as a director and audit committee chair of China Liberal Education Holdings Limited (Nasdaq: CLEU), an educational service provider operating in China. From July 2020 to June 2021, Mr. Sherman served as Board and Audit Committee Chair of Skillful Craftsman Education Technology Limited (Nasdaq: EDTK), a provider of online education and technology services in China. From January 2012 to November 2014, Mr. Sherman served as the Chair of the Audit Committee and Compensation Committee of Agfeed Corporation (OTC: FEED), a hog production business. From February 2011 to May 2016, Mr. Sherman served as the Chair of the Audit Committee of Kingold Jewelry Inc. (Nasdaq: KGJI), a manufacturer of 24K gold jewelry in

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